Sunday, July 1, 2007

Through The Eyes Of My Inner Child

I've been back in cuzco for two weeks now and have settled back into my loki home. With my loft bedroom and a window that looks out to the stars... I've fallen in love again, and in more ways then one.

Last week I had one of the most amazing experiences. I took part in a humble spiritual ceremony in the mountains around saqusayhuaman (inca ruins). The shayman (spiritual healer) called Wyra, was a beautiful man with big bubbly cheeks and a smile that spread all over his face... and all over the world! We drank san pedro, a medicene used from times before the incas, and thought about our lives, our connection to Pachamama (mother earth), and each of us thought about what we wanted to ask for. I was there with two good friends, emma and osmany. But the experience as a whole was very personal. I asked for two things: to see the world through the eyes of my inner child, and for the protection of my family, friends and me. The first time I 'got it', I was walking up a steep hill, turned around to see the others, and all I saw was sparkling blue trees. At this point I thought I was hallucinating, but after a quick confirmation with em, the trees were naturally blue, cause they were eucalyptus! From then on, I saw the beauty in absolutely everything. My senses were heightened, and the touch, smell, sound, taste & sight of everything seemed rythmic & pure. The difference in perception is hard to describe, because the feeling stays with you, not just on the day. What I felt was something that I have always had in me, but it came to the surface, clear and uncensored. My favourite events of the day were: Emma processing & accepting a lot of intense feelings, and us sending love in the direction of someone she cares a lot about. The amazing rock I found, with endless shapes of faces, animals & landscapes and the how the lines of the rock matched the lines of my hands, perfectly. Discovering my nickname in Quechua, Wymie K,uychi... rainbow child. Being amuzed for hours with the colours of Wyra's hat and naming the tassle ChuFly. Walking hand-in-hand down the mountain with Osmany, and inventing the game tandem-mountain-walking. Making sure Emma was holding onto 'her piece of me' and our endless argument of who's visiting who.

Ultimately, I got to see the world through the eyes of my inner child... and that's something I will never loose. The change I feel in my heart is a cup full!... I have an unconditional acceptance of previous pain in my life, and the bad in the world around me, but also the fact that I can make a possitive change... By my family and friends knowing how I appreciate, love and learn from them, by my kindness, smiles & laughter with strangers, and by living my dream.

So, recharged, and ready to go, I meant to leave cuzco today. Until three days ago I discovered the didgeredoo. Its something that I've always wanted to learn, and now, here in Peru, the person teaching me is a peruvian dude, obsessed with Australian Aboriginal culture, and seems to know more about Australia then I do. He is a great teacher and I have a new found passion to learn... even though I'm musically retarded. I can do circular breathing slowly, make a kookaburra sound, and something that sounds like a donkey... step aside Xavier Rudd!! We have been playing overlooking the city, and also in the main plaza where the street kids swamp us.... intrigued with the deep smooth sound coming from this strange foreign object. My first didge isn't painted yet, but its wrapped in a purple peruvian blanket made by a cute old lady from the local market.... I now have my new travel companion...(The didge, not the lady)... :)

Sending you all a smile via butterfly-effect-mail......

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