Saturday, February 17, 2007

Suddenly I See

right now im recovering from a very crazy night in rio!! i havent got many photos yet, because im paranoid to take my camera out! i walked the length of copacabana beach yesterday morning at 5am, it was awesome. the water is warm, and the sand burns. i spent the most part of the day walking around the streets trying to organise a mobile, and eating from all the street vendors (yum). went out with some people from the hostel to a street party. was very local, and everyone assumes im portugese (maybe i look german-brazillian). the club i was at i decided to volunteer behind the bar and tourists were coming up to me trying to speak portugese... then spanish... then i would say `speak some bloody english would ya` hehehe. i surprised a few aussies! after that stint i was soaked in vodka from making messy caipriana's! had a shower in my clothes... and now hibernating. miss you all and wish you were here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE TJ

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