Sunday, April 24, 2011


To my favourite people (aka earth angels)

a good friend recently told me about a poem i wrote when i was 17. i wrote it and at the time thought it was rubbish and threw it in the bin. but she kept it and put it aside until now. (thank you mel).

looking back on that age it was when i went through a long depression. but even in my lowest moments, i still have thoughts like these. so i just wanted you all to know that going through bad times is important to give you perspective and a deeper appreciation of the good times, and of the times we have together (even if they are few and far between).

kinda like yin yang :D

my love to you all
xxx TJ


Sometimes I get scared of how much beauty there is.
Sometimes I wonder, when the sun shines on my face,
what did I do to deserve it?

Sometimes when I look at the moon,
I think of how fascinating it is,
and I only wish I could be up there too.

Sometimes when I see the stars,
I wish I Could offer them my heart and soul,
so they knew how much I love them.

Sometimes when I focus on a point in the blue sky,
a sense of enormity pulls my heart out and leaves me breathless.

Sometimes I get scared of how much beauty there is in this world,
because I won't have time to experience it all.
but when I remember that I will always have the sun, the moon, the stars and the sky,
I realise that there's enough beauty in my heart to last me forever.

- TJ Bendeich 08/05/2002
